Friday, December 17, 2010

iPhoto Project

I think that this was a very fun project for many many reasons. First off i thought that putting music into your project was awesome. I also thought that is was cool to make your name with exotic letters. One of my letters was in a corn field. It taught me how to put pictures in and edit them. For most of my photos they didn't fit the screen so i had to fit to screen. Overall i would give this project a 9 out of 10 because it was the most fun project we have done so far. I would love to make another one of these.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mail merge project

I thought this project was very helpful. It's cool how it shows you how to send it to a bunch of people. This project overall was very easy. I enjoyed doing it because it was fun to make up addresses and names. It was also a lot of fun to act like i worked for the NBA. The hardest part was finding out how to make all of the names go to the same letter. This project also taught me how to be organized when typing a letter on Microsoft word. Overall, i would give this project a 7 out of 10.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

M&M Project

I thought that this project was very good. IT was very nice to learn how to use excel. I thought that the best part of the project was being able to eat the M&M's.  It was cool how to see you put all of the colors in a column. It was also cool how it automatically added all of the numbers together. On a scale from 1 to 10 i would give this project a 7. It was an easy A for me, but it also taught me a lot about excel. Now that i no how to use excel i can use it for many things. Many accountants  could use it.