Thursday, February 10, 2011

Genome project

I thought that our project was pretty easy. It was really fun. I thought it was really cool to research on my favorite topic or genre of music. I learned a lot about the history and the roots of it. Overall i would rate it a 9 out of 10. It was real cool to listen to all of the music i really enjoy. I thought that i could do this again. It would be very boring if i did a different project. Like if i did a type of music i didn't like then the project would be boring. It was really fun though I think it was the best project so far. The next project i heard is really hard so hopefully i get a good grade on that.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow day blog

For our snowday, i was very sick. I tried to work with zamzar but it was very slow. Our internet at school and at my house has been very slow these last couple weeks. It is very annoying. Zamzar took very long to upload and it made me angry. I did like putting videos and converting them. I thought that was pretty cool how a website could do that. I like looking up music videos to put on and change them. Overall i think it was a very hard thing to do even though it was supposed to be very easy.

imovie storyboard( group)

I didnt like this project. I thought that working with the group prevented me from doing my best. I was gone a day and my group didn't do anything. It is very disappointing that we did so bad on this project. I liked the recording of it though. I thought that was really fun putting music and recording with your friends. Overall i would give this about a 6 out of 10. It was defiantly the worst project yet. I want to do something else next time that is more fun. I am glad that we did biology though because that is my favorite subject